Friday, May 14, 2010

Never be Afraid

Once upon a time in Varanasi, Swami Vivekanand was walking on a narrow bridge.On the way, some red faced monkeys started chasing him. Swamiji started running but the monkeys were still coming behind him. At that moment, he heard a voice of saint, saying, "Don't run, go ahead and face the monkeys."
As per the advice of the saint,swamiji turned and stood bravely in front of the monkeys!
Surprisingly, all teh monkeys went back and ran away. From this experience, Vivekanandji informed everyone that never be afraid of any problems or troubles in life.
Be brave, face the situations and solve it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Anything that provides inspiration for later work

Nobody reads the paper anymore.
I urged students to read not only books but also other books, magazines and newspapers to improve their knowledge to face competitive examinations.Not only students all we must read the newspapers because it improve knowledge.
In our India there too many people who don"t know whats happening near by.People think carrefour is a tourist destination name,Wen Jiabao is a place name.Maybe it's not their fault, maybe it's because papers don't carry as much news as they used to.
So my all friends I request pls pls read the newspapers.It will help you in the future.